Interest groups
We are continually stimulated by the interesting groups who choose to stay at Derwentwater Independent Hostel. Who will we meet next?! Borrowdale is an inspirational location for all sorts of different activities, whether they are specific to the area (such as climbing the Wainwright fells, researching William Wordsworth, or taking part in the Keswick Triathlon) or can simply benefit from the facilities and environment that Derwentwater Independent Hostel has to offer (such as singing, painting, debating, and mountaineering). Below are some of the interest groups that we have found particularly interesting!
- Triathlon, athletics, and mountaineering clubs
- Search and Rescue Dog Association groups
- The Dot Crotchets Community Choir (Lancaster)
- Expedition Medicine
- The Conservation Volunteers
- Charity Challenge Groups
- Mensa
- Reflex Photography Society (Bristol)
Group trips on the Keswick Launch
Birmingham University Wilderness Medicine Students
Working together on Derwent Water
Dining room
Self catering kitchen
Barrow Cascade: the waterfall in our grounds
Classrooms in the forest
Working together
Gorge scrambling
Raft building (and floating!)
Be a Viking for a day!
Indoor climbing