Local information
Nearest Accident and Emergency Unit: Cumberland Infirmary: Newtown Road, Carlisle, CA2 7HY
Nearest surgery: Castlehead Medical Centre, Castlehead Close, Off Ambleside Road, Keswick, CA12 4DB. Tel: 017687 72025.
or Bank Street Surgery, Bank Street, Keswick, CA12 5JY. Tel: 017687 72438
Nearest Minor Injuries Unit: Mary Hewetson Cottage Hospital, Crosthwaite Road, Keswick, CA12 5PH. Tel: 01768 245678.
NHS Direct 0845 4647: www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
Dentist: Brundholme Dental Practice: 2 Blencathra Street, Keswick, CA12 4HP. Tel 017687 72096
Pharmacies: there are three pharmacies in Keswick: Boots and the Co-operative Pharmacy on the Main Street, and Murrays Pharmacy on Station Street.
Outdoor equipment
There are so many outdoor equipment shops in Keswick! You will find many of the big-name chain stores, such as Cotswold Outdoor and Blacks, but there are also several independent specialist shops, such as George Fisher, Needle Sports, KIng Kong, and Rathbones.
Booths Supermarket: this is the biggest food shop in Keswick. It sells a wide range of locally produced food and drink. It is open every day but shuts at 4pm on Sundays.
Co-op mini-store: this is open every day but shuts at 4pm Sundays.
Open all hours: located in St John's Street, opposite the Alhambra Cinema and The Square Orange, this shop does what the name says, up until 10pm! It stocks lots of local ales.
Keswick Main Street market on Thursdays and Saturdays.
Here is a link to the local places of worship:
Derwentwater Independent Hostel
Looking down on the hostel
A bedroom in the modern annexe
Evening light on Derwent Water
Barrow House in Spring
Inspiring local walks
Red squirrels can be seen in our grounds
View of Derwentwater Independent Hostel from a kayak
Spring-time view from Derwentwater Independent Hostel
Room One, our largest dormitory
Autumn colours by the waterfall
A heron next to our waterfall
Spectacular local walks
You can see Derwent Island from the hostel grounds. It used to be owned by Joseph Pocklington, the wealthy bachelor who built Barrow House.
Astronomy workshops at Derwentwater Independent Hostel
Expedition Medicine training at Derwentwater Indepedent Hostel
The dam of the hydro-electric plant in the Derwentwater Independent Hostel grounds
Walking up the fells behind the hostel
Castlerigg Stone Circle - a short walk from the hostel
Ashness Bridge - at the top of the hostel waterfall path
Mist on Derwentwater
Keswick Launch on Derwentwater
Clear night sky
View of Skiddaw Range from Falcon Crag (above the hostel)
Half way up Cat Bells
Keswick Christmas lights
Bluebells near Buttermere
Many of our guests enjoy walking on the fells around Borrowdale
Building shelters in our woodland
Our groups often enjoy adventurous activities in the Borrowdale Valley
Sunset from the terrace in April
Some of the staff and volunteers with our giant Easter Egg
The dining room decorated for a wedding in 2014
Conservation volunteers making a willow shelter in our grounds 2014
A local walk around Watendlath
A close-up of the fireplace in Room One
Gingerbread house in front of the real thing.
Staff take an evening walk along the lake shore.
A very calm day on Derwent Water.
A Mandarin duck on the lake shore.
York Rowing Club training on Derwent Water during their stay with us.
Bugle flower in the hostel grounds
Tea and cake in the servery
Winter walking
Wooden hands sculpture on west side of Derwent Water.